Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium | Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
JKG Junior Debaters Off to a Strong Start
On January 31st, 2024, the Johannes Kepler Gymnasium's Junior Debating Team kicked off the season at Uhland Gymnasium in Tübingen. Facing Mörike-Gymnasium, Göppingen, they successfully argued for smartphone usage restrictions until age 16. The winning team comprised speakers Nagham Othman (9b), Samiksha Palve (9c), Izzah Imran (9b), supported by researchers Woskan Gonzales (9b) and Leyla Frey (9b). Onur Tayor (7a) and Ayman Othman (7a) made their chairing debut in this debate, guiding the discussion effectively.
In their second match, the team proposed that students should be allowed to grade their teachers, securing another victory against Gymnasium Plochingen. This time, the speakers were Thanmayi Aiyer (7c), and Lamija Hodzic (8c).
With these initial wins, the team is now preparing for the subsequent rounds in Karlsruhe and at the JKG in April, aiming to qualify for the finals.